Quiz Complete, well Done!
The comparison operator '>' is used to check if the left value is
the right value.
The relational operator
is used to check if one value is less than another.
Which comparison operator is used to check if two values are not equal in Python?
Which operator is used to check if one value is less than or equal to another in Python?
Comparison Operators
Relational operators are used to compare
and determine the relationship between them.
The comparison operator '==' is used to check if two values are
What is the result of 3 < 5?
Which operator is used to check if one value is not equal to another in Python?
What does the operator '!=' in Python represent?
Which operator is used to compare if one value is greater than another?
What is the comparison operator used to check if two values are equal in Python?
The comparison operator '<=' is used to check if the left value is
the right value.
The comparison operator '<' is used to check if the left value is
the right value.
What is the value of 3.5 == 3?
In Python, the
are used to compare two values.
The relational operator
is used to check if two values are not equal.