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Comparison Operators
Which operator is used to compare if one value is greater than another?
What is the result of 3 < 5?
What does the operator '!=' in Python represent?
In Python, the
are used to compare two values.
Which comparison operator is used to check if two values are not equal in Python?
What does the operator '<' in Python represent?
Which comparison operator is used to check if one value is greater than or equal to another in Python?
What is the result of 5 >= 5?
not in
The comparison operator '<' is used to check if the left value is
the right value.
The comparison operator '==' is used to check if two values are
What is the opposite of the operator '>=' in Python?
Which operator is used to check if one value is not equal to another in Python?
The comparison operator '!=' is used to check if two values are