Quiz Complete, well Done!
What is a protocol?
Computer networks are vulnerable to
Which device is used to connect computers in a network?
is used to divide an IP address into network and host portions.
Computer networks enable
access, allowing users to connect and work from different locations.
What is a switch?
protocol is used to connect devices in a local area network.
What is a network topology?
What is a WAN?
What is the purpose of networking?
Networking is the process of
a connection between two or more devices.
Computer networks require
and regular updates.
What is a disadvantage of relying on networking for business operations?
What is a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)?
What is a Local Area Network (LAN)?
Managing and monitoring computer networks can be
and time-consuming.
Computer networks can be expensive to
and maintain.
Computer networks can be prone to
loss or corruption.