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What will be the result of the following Boolean expression? (2 > 3) OR (4 < 6)
What is the Boolean value of 5 > 3?
What is the result of the expression: true == false?
What is the result of the expression: !true?
What is the result of the expression: true && false?
What is a Boolean?
What is the result of the expression: 10 <= 10?
What is the result of the expression: true != false?
How does Boolean logic help in programming?
Which of the following is a Boolean operator?
What is the result of the expression: true || false?
How is Boolean logic used in digital circuit design?
What is the result of the expression: 5 > 10?
What is the equivalent Boolean expression for the logical operation 'NOT A'?
What is the main purpose of Boolean algebra?