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In which data structure is linear search most commonly used?
What is the main disadvantage of linear search?
What is the space complexity of linear search?
Which of the following is a drawback of linear search?
A linear search algorithm is an algorithm that looks at every
in a list or an array until it finds the target value.
What is the purpose of the return statement in a linear search function?
Linear search is a **
** searching algorithm that works best on unsorted collections of data.
Sequential Search
Worst-case scenario
What is the time complexity of linear search?
What is the worst-case time complexity of linear search?
In a linear search, the worst-case scenario occurs when the target item is **
** or not in the list.
What is the worst-case time complexity of linear search?
Linear search is also called **
** search because it checks the items one by one.
What is the space complexity of linear search?
In which type of data does linear search perform best?