Quiz Complete, well Done!
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What is the result of the expression "Hello".length()?
Which string method is used to find the index of a specific character in a string?
Which method is used to find the index of a specified character within a string?
Which method is used to convert a string to uppercase?
String slicing can be helpful when manipulating and extracting
from strings.
Negative indices can be used in string slicing to start counting from the
of the string.
method returns the index of the first occurrence of a specified substring.
Strings are a sequence of
Negative index
method splits a string into a list of substrings based on a specified delimiter.
End index
Which of the following is the correct syntax to use the 'replace' method in Python?
Which method is used to compare two strings for equality?
Start index
What does the 'replace' method do in Python?
String slicing allows you to extract a
from a larger string.