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What is the range of possible keys in a Caesar Cipher?
Encrypt the word 'DOG' with a shift of 3 using the Caesar cipher. What does it become?
In a Caesar cipher with a shift of 3, the letter 'A' is encrypted to
What is a Caesar Cipher?
What is the plaintext if the ciphertext is 'KHOOR' and the key is 3?
What is the Caesar Shift Cipher?
Polyalphabetic cipher
What is the advantage of using a Caesar Cipher?
A Caesar Cipher can be easily broken using a
Shift value
Vigenere cipher
In the Caesar Cipher, every letter is shifted by a constant number of positions in the alphabet. This number is called the
Caesar Cipher
How does the Caesar Shift Cipher work?
What is the purpose of frequency analysis in cryptography?
What is the purpose of a Caesar Cipher?
What is the missing word? The Caesar Cipher can be easily broken if the
is known.
Monoalphabetic cipher