Merge Sort is particularly useful for sorting linked lists, as it does not rely on random access to elements in the list. Instead, it uses a -like approach to merging the sub-lists.
What is the non-recursive formula for merge sort?
Merge Function
Out-of-place Sort
What is the space complexity of Merge Sort?
Merge Sort is a type of divide and conquer algorithm, meaning that it solves a problem by breaking it down into smaller sub-problems. This approach is also used by other algorithms such as sort.
In the algorithm, the list to be sorted is divided into two halves, each of which is then sorted recursively.
Which sorting algorithm is faster for small datasets, bubble sort or merge sort?
The merge subroutine in Merge Sort is responsible for combining two sorted arrays into a single sorted array. This process is also known as .
In Merge Sort algorithm, what does 'merge' step do?
What is the main disadvantage of merge sort?
Big-O notation
What is the main disadvantage of Merge Sort algorithm?
Which sorting algorithm is faster for large datasets, bubble sort or merge sort?
Merge Sort is a stable sorting algorithm. What does it mean?
Quadratic Time Complexity
Merge Sort has a worst-case time complexity of O(n*log(n)), which is more efficient than many other sorting algorithms such as sort.
What is the time complexity of Merge Sort?
The merge sort algorithm is based on the - and - algorithm design technique.