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Sound is a form of
that is produced when objects vibrate.
Bit Depth
Sampling Rate
Noise is an unwanted
that can distort or disrupt sound.
What is the difference between a condenser microphone and a dynamic microphone?
Which of the following is an example of sound representation in music production?
Sound Representation
Which device is commonly used for sound representation?
What is the main advantage of dynamic microphones over condenser microphones?
How does a dynamic microphone work?
Which of the following is not a type of microphone?
Condenser microphone
What is acoustic representation?
What is sound representation?
Audio Signal
How does a condenser microphone generate a signal?
The process of converting sound into digital format is called
What is the role of frequency in sound representation?
What is a condenser microphone?
The number of times that a sound wave is sampled per second is called the