Quiz Complete, well Done!
Which type of storage device is most commonly used in laptops and desktop computers?
What does an SD card stand for?
What does SSD stand for?
Capacitors are an example of a type of electrical storage device that can store
Which storage device is commonly used for backing up important files?
What is a drawback of SSDs?
Which of the following devices commonly use SD cards?
Which of the following is NOT an electrical storage device?
Multilevel storage in floating gate transistors enables higher
The efficiency of an electrical storage device refers to how well it can convert and store
A floating gate transistor is a type of
memory storage device.
One drawback of SSDs is their
storage capacity.
One of the disadvantages of SSDs is their
Integrated Circuits
Floating gate transistors are commonly used in flash memory for data storage in devices such as
and laptops.
Electrical storage devices are used to store
for future use.