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Which traversal visits the root, then the left subtree, and finally the right subtree?
In breadth-first tree traversal, the nodes at each level are visited
the nodes at the next level.
In in-order tree traversal, the root node is visited
the visits to its left and right subtrees.
In-order traversal
In tree traversal, each node is visited
What is the purpose of tree traversal?
In pre-order tree traversal, the root node is visited
Binary tree
In tree traversal, the order in which the nodes are visited depends on the
Which traversal visits the left subtree, then the right subtree, and finally the root?
Breadth-first search
Pre-order traversal
In pre-order tree traversal, the left subtree is visited
the right subtree.
Which traversal visits the left subtree, then the root, and finally the right subtree?
Binary search tree
Depth-first search
In post-order tree traversal, the root node is visited
In in-order tree traversal, the left subtree is visited
the root node.
In post-order tree traversal, the left subtree is visited
the right subtree.
Post-order traversal