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What is the time complexity of linear search?
Sequential Search
Linear search is also called **
** search because it checks the items one by one.
In which data structure is linear search most commonly used?
In which type of data does linear search perform best?
When is linear search preferred over binary search?
What is the space complexity of linear search?
Which data structure is commonly used for implementing linear search?
What is the drawback of linear search compared to binary search?
What is the time complexity of linear search when searching for the last element of an array?
Linear search can be easily implemented using a **
** loop to iterate through the items in the list.
What is a linear search?
Which of the following is an example of when linear search might be used?
Big O notation
The linear search algorithm starts at the **
** of the list and checks each item in turn until the target item is found.
What is the best-case time complexity of linear search?