Which image compression algorithm supports lossless compression?
Lossless Compression
What is image compression?
Digital images are made up of .
What is one limitation of lossless image compression?
Which compression method is suitable for text-based images?
One of the common types of image compression artifacts is the blocking .
What is the purpose of a compression algorithm?
Compression artifacts can compromise the overall visual of the image.
The process of reducing the size of an image file is called .
Entropy Coding
Which of the following is a lossy compression technique used for image compression?
Which type of compression removes image details to reduce file size?
Lossless image compression is commonly used for which purpose?
Lossless compression algorithms reduce file size without any loss of .
In Run Length Encoding, consecutive occurrences of the same are replaced with a single instance of that character followed by the number of times it occurs.