Quiz Complete, well Done!
10. The
uses handshake protocols to establish connections and negotiate transmission parameters.
Which layer of the TCP/IP model establishes, maintains, and terminates communication between applications?
network stack
Which one is used in the Ethernet protocol?
are routed through different network devices to reach their destination.
Which one is more commonly used in local area networks (LANs)?
Which one is used in the IP protocol?
What layer of the TCP/IP model provides error-free transmission of data frames?
6. The
layer responsible for reliable data transfer between adjacent network devices.
Modularity allows for
of components.
What is the role of the transport layer in a network stack?
is a reliable transportation protocol used in the internet.
The process of dividing data into smaller units called
is known as segmentation.
Network Stacks
Which layer of the network stack is responsible for addressing, routing, and packet forwarding?
What layer of the TCP/IP model provides services like email, file transfer, and web browsing?
Which layer is responsible for framing and error-checking at the bit level in network stacks?