Quiz Complete, well Done!
What layer of the TCP/IP model provides services like email, file transfer, and web browsing?
Which layer is responsible for framing and error-checking at the bit level in network stacks?
Which one is used for error detection and correction?
Which layer of the network stack is responsible for end-to-end communication between applications?
Which layer of the TCP/IP model defines the physical transmission of data?
Which layer of the TCP/IP model is responsible for segmenting and reassembling data?
Which layer of the TCP/IP model ensures reliable communication between hosts?
What are the benefits of using a network stack?
What layer of the TCP/IP model provides physical addressing and access to the network media?
Which layer is responsible for addressing and packet forwarding in network stacks?
What layer of the TCP/IP model is responsible for providing data encryption and decryption?
Which one is more commonly used in local area networks (LANs)?
Which layer of the TCP/IP model uses IP addresses to route data between networks?
What is the role of the transport layer in a network stack?
Which layer of the TCP/IP model establishes, maintains, and terminates communication between applications?