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A brute force attack is often used when other
attack is a simple yet powerful method to crack passwords.
Which factor greatly affects the success rate of a brute force attack?
is the study of analyzing ciphertexts and breaking codes.
One of the
of a brute force attack is that it can be time-consuming.
known plaintext
What is the main goal of a known plaintext attack?
A brute force attack involves trying every possible
until the correct one is found.
Which technique involves analyzing the frequency of characters in ciphertext?
What is known plaintext attack?
What is brute force attack?
password cracking
A brute force attack can be detected and
by implementing strong security measures.
brute force
Frequency analysis can be used to break monoalphabetic substitution ciphers by finding the most frequently occurring
in the encrypted text.
In the
technique, the most frequently occurring letters are used to decrypt a message.
dictionary attack
Why is a brute force attack considered a last resort?
By trying all possible keys, a
attack can decrypt any message.