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Referential Integrity
Domain Integrity
What happens to related data when cascade delete is enabled?
data validation
What is data integrity?
Cascade delete is a feature that automatically
all related records when a parent record is deleted.
How can referential integrity be enforced in a database?
Entity integrity ensures that each
in a database has a unique identifier.
What can happen if referential integrity is violated in a database?
Referential integrity ensures that
key values in a database always match a primary key value in another table.
record is a record in a database that references a non-existent record in another table.
integrity constraint
What are the benefits of maintaining data integrity in a database?
Entity Integrity
What is the purpose of data integrity?
data integrity
Domain integrity defines the
values that can be stored in a particular column in a database table.
Domain integrity defines the valid values and data types for
in a database.
What is orphaned data?
Redundant data can lead to
in the database.