Which sorting algorithm is known for its efficiency, but requires additional memory space?
What is the time complexity of Divide function in Merge Sort algorithm?
What is the correct time complexity of merge sort?
Merge Sort
Space complexity
What is the main disadvantage of merge sort?
What is the time complexity of Merge Sort algorithm?
Which sorting algorithm is faster for small datasets, bubble sort or merge sort?
What is the average-case time complexity of Merge Sort?
In Merge Sort algorithm, what does 'divide' step do?
Merge Sort is a stable sorting algorithm, meaning that two elements with equal values will retain their original order in the sorted output. This is accomplished through the use of comparisons.
What is the space complexity of Merge Sort?
Which of the following is not a step in the Merge Sort algorithm?
Merge sort is efficient when sorting large datasets because of its time complexity.
One optimization for Merge Sort is to switch to insertion sort for small sub-arrays, as this can reduce the overhead of the merge process. This is known as Sort.
Merge sort is a sorting algorithm.
What is a merge sort?
The merge sort algorithm is also an example of the -conquer algorithm paradigm.