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While loop
Which keyword is used to initiate a 'for' loop in Python?
loop is another type of loop used in definite iteration.
If you want to skip the current iteration and continue to the next one in a for loop, you use the
The range function can be used in for loops to generate a sequence of
To execute a block of code a specific number of times, you can use a for loop with the
In a for loop, what does the i++ statement typically do?
Definite iteration is a way to
a set of statements a specific number of times.
In Python, a for loop automatically handles the
of the loop variable.
The block of code inside the for loop is executed a
number of times.
What does the range() function in Python do?
Definite Iteration
If a for loop's condition is never true, what happens?
Which of the following is a valid range for a for loop in Python?
What is the output of the following code?
for i in range(3, 12, 2):
The second value in the range function represents the
value of the iteration (exclusive).
What is the purpose of a for loop?