What is the advantage of Merge Sort algorithm over other sorting algorithms?
What is the time complexity of Merge function in Merge Sort algorithm?
In the algorithm, the list to be sorted is divided into two halves, each of which is then sorted recursively.
Best case
The merge subroutine in Merge Sort is responsible for combining two sorted arrays into a single sorted array. This process is also known as .
Merge Sort is a type of divide and conquer algorithm, meaning that it solves a problem by breaking it down into smaller sub-problems. This approach is also used by other algorithms such as sort.
Merge Sort was invented by John von Neumann in 1945, although it was later independently developed by several other computer scientists. It is an example of a -based sorting algorithm.
Which sorting algorithm is faster for large datasets, bubble sort or merge sort?
What is the primary use of merge sort?
Average case
Space complexity
Out-of-place Sort
What is the space complexity of Merge Sort?
In Merge Sort, the divide and conquer technique is used to recursively split the array into two halves until only one element remains in each half, then the two halves are for final sorted output.
Merge Sort
Merge Sort has a worst-case time complexity of O(n*log(n)), which is more efficient than many other sorting algorithms such as sort.
What is the time complexity of Divide function in Merge Sort algorithm?
The merge sort algorithm is also an example of the -conquer algorithm paradigm.