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What is the worst-case time complexity of linear search?
Linear search checks every item in the list and has a worst-case **
** of O(n).
Linear Search
In a linear search, if the target item is not found, the algorithm **
** through every item in the list before stopping.
In which data structure is linear search most commonly used?
Which of the following is an advantage of linear search?
In which scenario would linear search be a better choice than binary search?
In a linear search, the average time complexity is **
** of O(n), where n is the number of items in the list.
Big O notation
In a linear search, the items are checked **
** until the target item is found.
The linear search algorithm starts at the **
** of the list and checks each item in turn until the target item is found.
Which of the following is an example of when linear search might be used?
How does linear search process an unsorted list?
In which situation is linear search usually the most efficient?
Best-case scenario
Average-case scenario