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What is the purpose of frequency analysis in cryptography?
What is the advantage of using a Caesar Cipher?
What is the purpose of a Caesar Cipher?
What is a brute force attack?
Modulus operator
What is the disadvantage of using a Caesar Cipher?
What is the missing word? The Caesar Cipher can be easily broken if the
is known.
Rail fence cipher
In the Caesar Cipher, every letter is shifted by a constant number of positions in the alphabet. This number is called the
In a Caesar Cipher, with a shift of 3 the letter 'A' becomes the letter
Substitution Cipher
What is a Caesar Shift Cipher?
What is the plaintext if the ciphertext is 'KHOOR' and the key is 3?
What is the Caesar Shift Cipher?
Why is the Caesar Shift Cipher considered a weak encryption method?
What is the decryption key for a Caesar Cipher?