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Vocabulary Matching
Data Representation
Caesar Cipher
Substitution Cipher
Rail fence cipher
An attack on a cipher by trying every possible key until the correct one is found.
A secret or disguised way of writing; a code.
Shift value
A mathematical operator used to perform division with remainder, often denoted by the percent symbol (%).
A type of transposition cipher in which the plaintext is written diagonally on a criss-cross pattern.
Monoalphabetic cipher
The number of places by which each letter in the plaintext is shifted in the Caesar Cipher.
Polyalphabetic cipher
Modulus operator
A cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by another letter or symbol according to a predetermined pattern.
A cipher that uses a single alphabet to encrypt a message.
Vigenere cipher
The study of cryptographic systems in order to find weaknesses and break codes.
A cipher that uses multiple alphabets to encrypt a message.
Brute-force attack
The original message before it is encrypted or coded.
A polyalphabetic cipher that uses a keyword consisting of a repeating pattern of letters to encrypt a message.
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