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Playfair Cipher
In a Vigenere Cipher, the key is a word or phrase that is
across the message
Caesar Cipher
What is the main purpose of the Vigenere Cipher?
Autokey Cipher
What key length is recommended for the Vigenere Cipher?
Frequency Analysis
Substitution Cipher
How does the Vigenere Cipher differ from the Caesar Cipher?
The Vigenere Cipher uses modular arithmetic, often denoted using the symbol
Rail Fence Cipher
Transposition Cipher
How does the Vigenere Cipher work?
What is the key used in the Vigenere Cipher?
The Vigenere Cipher was invented by
in 1553
The Vigenere Cipher can be broken using a technique called
The Vigenere Cipher is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher, which means that it uses multiple
What type of cipher is the Vigenere Cipher?