Quiz Complete, well Done!
ACID approach
What is the role of a transaction manager in databases?
What is a serializable schedule?
What is a deadlock in the context of database transactions?
When multiple transactions try to modify the same data simultaneously,
mechanisms are used to prevent inconsistencies.
Undo Log
is a technique used to control concurrent access to shared data and prevent conflicts.
timestamp ordering
Why is it important for databases to execute concurrent transactions?
database transactions
What is the purpose of transaction locking in databases?
What is the purpose of the SAVEPOINT statement in a database transaction?
Which of the following statements is true about database transactions?
ACID stands for
, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.
The transaction log database stores information about
in chronological order.
The ACID approach guarantees that a transaction either
or rolls back in its entirety.
Which property of ACID ensures that one transaction does not interfere with another?