A priority queue assigns a priority value to each element in the queue. Elements are dequeued based on their priority, with higher-priority elements being processed first. Priority queues are used in scenarios where the order of processing depends on priorities.
How are the elements ordered in a Priority Queue?
What happens when two elements in a Priority Queue have the same priority value?
Priority Queue Operations are the same as the other queue types:
Adding an element to the back (also known as the rear or tail) of the queue.
Removing and returning the element from the front (also known as the head) of the queue.
Viewing the element at the front of the queue without removing it.
Which operation is used to remove and return the highest priority element from a Priority Queue?
Priority queues are used in task scheduling algorithms. In operating systems, tasks or processes with higher priority are given precedence over lower-priority tasks. Priority queues help manage and schedule these tasks efficiently.
Dijkstra's algorithm, used for finding the shortest path in a graph, often employs priority queues to select the next vertex to explore based on the shortest known path.
In concurrent programming, priority queues can be used to manage threads or tasks with varying levels of priority. This ensures that high-priority tasks are executed before lower-priority ones.l.
Which algorithm uses a Priority Queue to find the shortest path in a weighted graph?
Which of the following is NOT a real-world example of a Priority Queue?
Priority Queue