A dictionary is a data structure in programming that stores a collection of key-value pairs. Each key in the dictionary is unique and associated with a specific value. It is similar to a physical dictionary where words (keys) have corresponding meanings (values).
How Dictionaries Work
In dictionaries, keys are used to access their corresponding values. This allows for efficient data retrieval as the unique keys provide a direct mapping to the desired values. Dictionaries are commonly used when we want to quickly look up values based on given keys.
Creating a Dictionary
In Python, dictionaries are represented using curly braces ({}) and key-value pairs separated by a colon (:).
Now, `johns_telephone` will contain the value "123-456-7890", `janes_email` will contain "[email protected]", and `alexs_telephone` will contain "555-123-4567".
A key in a Python dictionary must be of a(n) type.
What does the method 'keys()' do in Python?
Dictionaries & Hast Tables
Python dictionaries are implemented using a computer science technique know as hash tables. A hash table is a data structure that provides fast data retrieval by mapping keys to values using a hash function, ensuring efficient storage and quick access.
The most significant advantage of using a hash table is the average O(1) time complexity for lookups, insertions, and deletions. This means that accessing or modifying elements is very fast, regardless of the size of the dictionary.