A flowchart is a visual representation of a process or algorithm, consisting of various symbols connected by arrows to indicate the flow of execution.
Why are Flowcharts Used?
Flowcharts are used to simplify complex procedures and make them easier to understand. They are commonly used in fields such as computer programming, business processes, and decision-making.
Example Flowchart
Flowchart Symbols
A flowchart is a visual representation of a process that uses different symbols to depict the various steps and decisions involved. It can be helpful in understanding complex processes or algorithms.
Here are some commonly used flowchart symbols:
Start/End Symbol
The start/end symbol is used to indicate the beginning or end of a process.
Process Symbol
The process symbol represents a specific action or task within the process.
Decision Symbol
The decision symbol is used to indicate a conditional branch in the process flow.
Input/Output Symbol
The input/output symbol represents an input or output operation in the process.
Connector Symbol
Connector symbols are used to link different parts of a flowchart together. Connectors can point back to an earlier component in order to create a loop.
What is a flowchart?
A flowchart symbol that is used to indicate the start or end of a program is represented by .
A decision symbol in a flowchart is represented by a shape.
Flowcharts provide a visual representation of the of a process or algorithm.