The easiest way to convert a denary number to binary is to use the Base-2 'doubling' technique.
Step 1 - write down the doubling numbers
Lets say that you want to find the binary for 56. Starting on the right of a piece of paper, start at 1 and keep doubling until you reach (or exceed) the number you want to convert. It's easiest if you start from the left when adding!
Step 2 - work out which numbers you need to add to together to make the number.
Work through from the left to right adding whichever numbers you can until you reach the target number.
Step 3 - write 1 under each number that you used.
Write a 1 under each number you used and 0 under each number you haven't.
Then you have your binary number:
56 = 0111000.
Just like in denary you can discard any zeros to the left (00460 can be written 460 in decimal). So your answer is 111000.