ASCII, which stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange," is a character encoding standard that was developed in the early 1960s to represent text and control characters in computers and communication equipment.
It's one of the foundational building blocks of modern computing and is still widely used today, though it has been largely supplemented by more advanced character encoding standards like UTF-8.
Key points
ASCII character encoding assigns a unique number to letters, numbers and other printable characters like spaces, commas and line breaks.
Represented using 7-bit binary - 128 possible characters
Only works for English language.
What does ASCII stand for?
What is the range of values that ASCII can represent?
Here is an ASCII table with all the associated charaters and their denary equivalent.
What is the ASCII value of 'A'?
What is the ASCII value of 'Z'?
Limitations of ASCII
ASCII is limited to representing a relatively small set of characters. It primarily includes the characters used in the English language, such as letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, punctuation marks, and some control characters.
It does not support characters from other languages or writing systems.
It doesn't have support for emojis or other special characters.
Which of the following is not a limitation of ASCII?