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Which primary color in RGB is associated with the value (255, 0, 0)?
A color image is made up of
that have different colors.
hex color code
The range of values for each color component in a color image is usually from
to 255.
color depth
Reducing the bit depth of an image can significantly decrease the
In a color image, each pixel is represented by
Which primary color in RGB is associated with the value (255, 255, 0)?
additive color mixing
Higher bit depths allow for a greater range of
in an image, resulting in more accurate color representation.
Color images can be compressed using techniques such as
or PNG.
An 8-bit image can display a maximum of
different colors.
Which primary color in RGB is associated with the value (0, 0, 255)?
When an image is saved in a format with a lower bit depth, it may suffer from issues like
In a color image, the
refers to the number of pixels in the image.
Bit Depth
Color images are commonly used in fields such as
and photography.